17 de jul. de 2010

on the telephone


"Hello, this is Mr. Kent speaking!"

"Hello, this is Maria speaking. I'd like to talk to Mrs Monica...".

"Just a second, please. I'Ll call her."

"Thank you."

"Hello!! Sorry, but she isn't here. wanna let some message?"

"No. I'll call her back."


"thank you, bye"


3 de jul. de 2010

How do you say?

Get a Life = Dê um jeito na vida.

Get out of my face! = Pare de encher meu saco.

Text you = atender

On the house = por conta da casa

On me / my treat = por minha conta

Catch up = pôr os assuntos em dia

Say when = diga quando for suficiente

I get you = eu entendi

Nag = pegar no pé, aborrecer, incomodar
eX: You are nagging me.

My first time here. I'm loving.